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About Oliver’s Battery Nursery Class

Oliver’s Battery Nursery Class is part of Oliver’s Battery Primary and Nursery School and are called Hedgehogs class. The school sits within extensive grounds which include two Forest Schools, edible playground, two ponds and a yurt.  We enjoy beautiful views across the South Downs and attract a variety of wildlife including pollinating insects, foxes and deer. 

The Nursery Class is held in a classroom within the main school building and is part of the wider Early Years unit which caters for children aged 2-5 years. Our aim is to ensure a smooth transition for children through their Early Years and into school.  The Nursery consists a class of 2-4 year olds. The Nursery class provides 1:8 adult ratio for 3-4 year olds and 1:4 adult ratio for 2 year olds (maximum).

Along with the Year R class Oliver’s Battery Nursery class has the use of two main rooms a designated Early Years play area and their own child sized toilets. In addition the Nursery class children have frequent access to the wider school grounds including the hall (for PE sessions), the school library and Forest School sessions twice a week in our Early years Forest School. This is led by Fiona Beaumont who is trained as a Forest School Leader.

Playful learning is at the heart of everything we do. Adults plan daily for stimulating and fun activities and carefully consider each child’s learning needs. Our qualified staff provide opportunities around the four principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

  • Every child is a unique child
  • Children learn to be strong through positive relationships
  • Children learn and develop in enabling environments and
  • Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates