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There are lots of different ways for parents, grandparents and community members to help the school.

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

The PTA is a group of volunteer parents, staff and governors who organise school events to raise money and for the enjoyment of the children.

The PTA are always on the look out for willing volunteers to help them with their fundraising and would be delighted to hear from any interested parties!

Visit PTA for more information and contact details.

Becoming a Parent or Grandparent Volunteer

We have parents who listen to children read, support art and craft activities, organise the library, run school clubs and help out on school trips.

If you think you could spare some time to help out in school then please talk to a teacher or contact the school office.

Note that all volunteers are CRB/DBS checked and this is organised by the school office.

Helping at a Grounds Day / Session

To help keep our grounds looking amazing the school runs several Grounds Days each year. Tasks include clearing the ponds and paths, maintaining and planting the polytunnel and raised beds and clearing leaves and litter. There's always plenty to do whether you're an expert gardener or just a willing helper.

Becoming a Governor

School Governors contribute to the vision, ethos and strategy of the school. They support and challenge the headteacher to ensure a high level of achievement for all children, and they provide financial oversight. Please contact the school office if you would like more information regarding becoming a School Governor.