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School Lunch

Lunch Menu

Children order their meal from the lunch menu each morning during registration. Click on the link below to view the current menu.

Lunch Money

Lunch money for Key Stage 2 children (Years 3-6) must be paid in advance or on the day of ordering. Payments can be made online via Parent Pay. The cost is £3.20 per meal. Cheques should be made payable to Hampshire County Council. Please place any money in an envelope with your child’s name, class and details of payment e.g. dinner money. This will then be entered on our computerised system by the admin staff and you will receive a receipt via your child’s book bag. If you would like a statement at any time showing when meals have been taken and how much you have paid, please ask a member of the admin team. Your child will not be charged for meals that are not taken, only meals that are ordered on the day.

Eligibility for Free School Meals

All Year R, 1 and 2 children are now entitled to Free School Meals but parents should still register for Free School Meals for eligible children as this enables the school to receive significant additional funding to support those children.

Please use the online Free School Meals Eligibility Checker if you think your child or children may be eligible.

Packed Lunches

Healthy diet leads to healthy learning and as such if your child does bring in a packed lunch the school requests that parents do not include the following items in packed lunches:

  • Sweets (including Winders), chocolate, etc.
  • Fizzy drinks/sugary drinks
  • Sweet cakes, e.g. sugary cakes, doughnuts, etc.
  • Any nut products such as walnuts, salted peanuts, yoghurt coated peanuts etc.