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PTA - Join our friends and help the school!

PTA - Join our friends and help the school!

The Friends of Oliver’s Battery School is the school’s Parent - Teacher group who fundraise to supplement and improve facilities for all the children in the primary and preschool.

Our most recent purchases have been a yurt for use as an outdoor classroom, Forest School equipment, refurbishment of the new school library, money towards the new Reading Cafe, online author events, school teddies, duck eggs for the year R class to hatch and the imminent arrival of our 4 school chickens along with their new coop and run.

We are also very proud that the Hampshire Gardens Trust have chosen our school to showcase their pilot Educational Program with the aim of rolling it out to other schools in Hampshire. Together we have funded a professional gardener who has planned and is now developing our sustainable Edible Playground with all the children over the next year.

Some of our usual fundraising events have not been possible this year but we have still been able to run successful activities such as online auctions, our annual hamper competition, Mothers and Fathers Day shops and our Easter Egg Hunt.

Follow our Facebook page for info on all our upcoming events and activities. We would welcome any help or parental involvement with our PTA events. We are a friendly and industrious bunch of mums and dads always looking for new ideas and in addition to helping the school, it is a great way to meet other parents and new friends. If you are new to the school and have a little time to spare please get in touch and say hello.

Facebook: Friends of Oliver's Battery Primary School