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Value and Ethos

As a primary school, we believe that our vision and ethos combined with the British values have to be lived consistently in daily school experiences for the children to gain true understanding and to apply the skills they learn. We promote caring and trusting relationships based on trust, respect and tolerance. We celebrate individual success and personal responsibility and we want children to enjoy the result of their efforts in all aspects of learning.


Our vision for all children is that they are creative, caring and confident learners for life.

SMSC is central to learning and the life of our school. Through this, fundamental British values (as defined in the government’s prevent strategy) are actively promoted.

These values are:

Democracy All children know that they are listened to and supported in expressing their ideas. Through the School Council children actively experience democratic processes. Many roles of responsibility require voting, careful application and decision-making so that children appreciate the importance of their role. Assembly themes and aspects of the curriculum- especially projects and English, provide further opportunity for children to learn about democracy. In all aspects of social learning, children learn skills for collaboration and turn-taking.

The Rule Of Law The fairness and consistency of our behaviour procedures are developed carefully and are clearly linked to school and lunchtime charters. Children learn the importance of telling the truth and of taking responsibility for our actions. They gain a clear appreciation of right and wrong linked to Oliver’s Battery School Charter. These principles are developed through assembly themes and promoted through the curriculum. They know the importance of ‘Be Kind, be safe- THINK!’ in personal decision making and so appreciate that many rules are there to keep everyone safe. Lunch time charters and responsibilities are a daily reminder of this and can be linked to wider society such as through visits from people in authority (police, fire and rescue services).

Individual Liberty Settling into school and class routines places a clear emphasis on personal responsibility and choice. Children know the importance of thinking, working and acting independently, making choices and being responsible for the consequences. Paired and group activities are structured so as to develop each child’s capacity to express a viewpoint. PSHE sessions and e-safety learning provide practical opportunities to apply this learning. Children also have a clear ‘say’ in class, year group and school wide decisions.

Mutual Respect Children learn from consistent modelling of mutual respect and politeness towards others. This underpins our behaviour policy and all interactions in school. We celebrate diversity within our community and the children enjoy visits from people of different cultures. Themes exploring diversity, similarity and differences feature in PSHE and RE whilst a range of faith events are covered in our assembly programme.

Ways we promote children’s spiritual development:

  • Thoughtful assemblies and special events such as remembrance service
  • Class assemblies and KS1 Christmas plays based on the nativity
  • A celebration of our natural environment
  • A creative response in arts and music
  • Special trips including to St Lukes
  • Community and fund-raising events
  • Gaining a pride in personal achievement and effort
  • Clubs

Ways we promote moral development:

  • A thorough PSHE programme
  • Many opportunities for discussion and review
  • Discussing choices and consequences
  • ELSA- emotional literacy support
  • Friendship groups
  • Assemblies
  • Team games and group activities
  • Supporting charities
  • Rewards
  • Clubs

Ways we promote social development:

  • A caring culture
  • A thorough PSHE programme
  • Paired activities, talk partners and structured group activities
  • Many opportunities for discussion and review
  • Discussing choices and consequences
  • ELSA - emotional literacy support
  • Friendship groups
  • Assemblies including class assemblies
  • Playground pals and roles of responsibility
  • Team games and activities
  • Trips and special events
  • Helping others- buddying, playtimes and around our classes
  • Lunchtime clubs
  • Before and after school clubs
  • Rewards
  • Roles and responsibilities such as Pupil Librarians/Sports Ambassadors/House Captains
  • Special events

Ways we promote cultural development:

  • A thorough PSHE programme
  • Many opportunities for discussion and review
  • Themed assemblies
  • Cultural events and festivals such as Chinese New Year, Diwali,
  • Artistic and cultural events
  • Celebrating other cultures, faiths and languages
  • Music and dance
  • Book and storytelling events
  • Sporting events
  • ELSA- emotional literacy support
  • Friendship groups
  • Assemblies
  • Playground pals and roles of responsibility