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Hayley Stacey – Co-Chair of Govenors

I joined the governing body in April 2019, becoming Chair of the Resources Committee later that year. In September 2023 I took on the role of Co-Chair of the Governing Body.

I have been a part of the Oliver’s Battery parent community since 2015, with my eldest daughter recently moving up to Kings after spending all of her primary school years at Oliver's Battery. I am extremely proud to be part of such a fantastic school community and to support a school where both of my children have enjoyed such a positive and enriching experience.

I have worked as a CIPD qualified HR Business Partner and HR Project Manager both in the UK and overseas. My experience covers areas such as employment law, recruitment, performance management, learning and development and restructuring. My current employment is with a Winchester based software company who produce library software for schools across the country.

As well as my role as a governor, I also enjoy volunteering in the school as a librarian. It is so rewarding to spend time with the children who are always so enthusiastic and engaging.

Oliver's Battery is a wonderful school where a passion for learning is clearly evident from both the staff and children. I hope in my role as governor and co-Chair I can support the school as it continues to improve and ensure the best possible outcomes for all children.

Linda Courtney - Co-Chair of Govenors 

I have been a governor at this wonderful school since 2022 and I have thoroughly enjoyed my involvement in all the school does for the children, parents, carers, and community.

I have three children; all were educated in the Winchester area so giving something back to the local community has been my reason for getting involved in the governor experience.

Living locally, I am very fortunate to be involved with such a warm, encouraging, and supportive school. Getting to know the staff and governors has been a delight and has made it easy to get to know education again (my children are many years out of school)

My career within financial services mean my skills and knowledge are broad and cover a wide area. I am pleased to say I have been able to use this experience within the governor role and hopefully, as we move forward, within the co-chair role. I am also the Safeguarding Governor, which is extremely interesting and I am a member of the School Improvement Committee.

In my spare time I travel a lot, I love my garden and I read a lot too, although most of my time is spent with family, grandchildren and friends.

John Pearson- Chair of Resources Committee

As an Oliver's Battery resident since 2008 I wanted to give back to the community in some way and welcomed the opportunity to become a co-opted governor.

I began work as a laboratory analyst in the chemical industry, but my main career was in the Fire Service, culminating in 11 years as Hampshire’s Chief Fire Officer. Following retirement I became a lay member of the Employment Tribunals, an assessor for the Charter Mark award scheme, and ran my own Fire and Management consultancy, mainly providing expert witness services on behalf of UK fire authorities and HM Treasury Solicitors.

I hope these varied experiences will prove beneficial in my role as a governor and I look forward to supporting and contributing to the school's continuing improvement, success and high potential.

Aside from work, I enjoy family, gardening, playing golf and occasional holidays.

Alan Jordan 

I am approaching my eighth year as a governor at Oliver’s Battery, during this time I have seen the school move from a rundown, poorly performing school that nobody wanted to come to, to what you see today, a bright friendly school that is one of the best performing in the area. Prior to moving to the Oliver’s Battery area I was a governor in both primary and secondary schools in the north of the county where I was also a teacher.

Outside governance I work in theatre and tourism plus the current day job that combines previous careers in medicine and policing.

Sobara Simon-Hart

I joined the school as a co-opted governor in October 2021 and I am also a member of the Resources Committee.

I have lived in Winchester for the past three years, where my daughter also attends school. Though I grew up locally, in Hampshire, over the course of my life and career, I have lived in four different countries and (as a student, parent and student mentor) have always been and remain involved with various educational institutions. I am excited to be part of the Oliver’s Battery school community; I am inspired by its development and the support it provides its students.

I work as solicitor, specialising in banking and finance, and have done for over 15 years. I am particularly interested in issues of inclusion and the emotional welfare of students and intend to utilise my skills and experience as a lawyer and parent, in my role as a governor. In my free time, I enjoy long walks, meditation, Qi Gong, spending quality time with my daughter and cocktail making.

Becky Morris – Parent Governor

I have twin girls who are attend the school and really enjoy it!

I am also a teacher at a local primary school, currently teaching Year 4. I love working with children and helping them to understand the world around them. I understand the many challenges faced in primary education and hope to use this knowledge to help support the school to become the best it can be.

In my spare time I enjoy sport and, before becoming a parent, I was a keen cricketer, playing for the local women's team. I love the idea getting children as active as possible, especially outside, and am a firm believer that there is no such thing as bad weather - just bad clothing!

Cathy Farrand – Chair of School Improvement Committee

I became a parent governor in 2021 and have three daughters who love their time at Oliver’s Battery Primary and Nursery School. I have worked in the pension industry as an investment consultant before taking a career break to look after my family.

Despite no previous experience in the education sector, my interest has grown since my children started school. I want to help support Oliver’s Battery to continue to provide a happy, safe and equitable environment where all pupils have the opportunity to thrive.

In my spare time I love to travel with my family, both in the UK and further afield. I also enjoy sports including running and playing golf and if there’s a good song playing you can usually find me dancing to it.

Kearia Yau

I joined the Board of Governors in March 2022 and am also on the Resources Committee.

I am retired and have lived in Winchester since 2019 when I returned to England after spending 25 years working overseas in banking and finance.  My daughter has just completed her degree at the local university and has set her sights on becoming a teacher.  She has taught me that the early years are the most vital in nurturing a love of learning in a child.  Since I benefitted greatly from the kindness of teachers as a young boy, I would like to repay the thoughtfulness that I encountered all those years ago, by bringing my experience of a different environment to contribute meaningfully to the development of young students at the school.

For recreation, my wife and I like to hike local trails.  I also enjoy tennis and the very occasional visit to the gym.  

Jason Hemsted 

I joined the Olivers Battery Nursery and Primary School community as a co-opted governor in October 2022 having returned to England with my family after being abroad for over 25 years. I'm part of the School Improvement Committee and have enjoyed all of my visits to the school, listening to and speaking with the students and teachers about what is important to them and their learning and teaching experiences at school.

My career has been in education since qualifying as a secondary teacher at Oxford in 1996. I've been fortunate to have worked in both public and private education in Canada, Turkey, and Hong Kong since then. I've had a number of roles from being a classroom teacher at each key stage in the UK and abroad, to being an educational consultant, owning a private tutorial company, serving as a government education officer, and presently, working in Children's Services at Hampshire County Council. I live in Winchester with my wife and three daughters, who attend Kings School, The Westgate School and Peter Symonds College, respectively, and enjoy living, learning and working here very much. I look forward to being a small part of the continued growth, improvement, and success of Olivers Battery Primary School.

Edmund Freeman 

I have 16 years’ experience as an officer in the Royal Navy where I specialised in leadership, management and team building. I am currently enjoying a very different, and equally challenging second career in Financial Services in the city of London. I also have two young children of school age who have encouraged me to learn more about the education system and look to contribute something back. I am delighted to be on the governing board for this brilliant school and hope to bring my experiences to bear to help Oliver’s Battery continue to be a fantastic place for children to learn!

Governor Declaration Information

Name Start Date End Date Name of Business Nature of Business Nature of Interest Date of Appointment or Acquisition Date of Cessation of Interest
Hayley Stacey 13/05/2019 12/07/2024 HARRAP ICT/Libresoft IT Support/Software Employment 04/10/2021