Our Curriculum
We believe learning is for life: a dynamic journey of discovery, bringing rich rewards and a sense of success and fulfilment, ensuring children are enabled to make the most of every opportunity that life has to offer. At Oliver’s Battery Primary school, the curriculum is the totality of experiences which are planned for children as they progress through the school. We are committed to developing a coherent, flexible and enriched curriculum which raises aspirations, drives ambition, and secures the highest standards in all areas. Children will be engaged, motivated and confident with emerging and evolving technologies which will achieve high quality learning. We adopt the National Curriculum in its entirety. Click on the links for the Curriculum Overviews.
Learning Behaviours
Confidence is a key factor in enabling children to learn. All children develop this as they journey through the school supported by our key learning behaviours of:
- Co operation
- Respect
- Curiosity
- Independence
- Resilience
- Adaptability
Maths and English are taught every day. We focus on the core skills. Reading, writing and arithmetic are taught systematically, and we value the help of parents in supporting with practice and reinforcement at home.
Computing skills are taught progressively right from the start, and the children use a wide range of technology across their learning.
We understand the importance of our children growing and developing successfully in every aspect of their lives. For this reason, personal and social education, physical education and sport, and religious education are important elements of their learning in every year.
We welcome the involvement of our parents and carers through opportunities to be involved with classroom and school events. We want learning to be a real family affair, and as happy children make happy learners, we want our parents to know that we are always here to listen and to help.
At Oliver’s Battery we are very fortunate in having a unique opportunity to engage children in learning. Our superb outdoor spaces including wild areas of ponds, meadows and woodland enable us to enrich our curriculum. From the welly walks in key stage 1 children grow in the understanding of their world, the amazing diversity and the responsibility they have as citizens to care for both the local environment and be empathetic with worldwide issues. The children take pride in being a member of the school community as a whole.